'Photochain' The Stock Photography Revolution

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Photochain is a blockchain based platform, created to protect original photo writers. A kind of photo contamination Where it may be how to sell the author's works, and get the photo you need. Photochain is completely decentralized and operates based on P2P principles where the author communicates directly with the buyer, excluding all possible intermediaries. And since everything works on smart eterium contracts, transactions are not only transparent, but also secure. P2P is an excellent solution to use it on its platform. Because all shared solutions will happen instantly between users. Platform users will strive to improve the quality of their work, as this will directly affect their income levels.

Photochain’s Mission

Photochain has clear advantages for contributors and customers. Contributors at Photochain benefit from an extremely low fee - only 5% of the selling price. Keeping 95% of the final sale price allows contributors to offer their work cheaper.  Consequently the market becomes more affordable for customers. This type of fair market not only benefits the users, but should benefit the photography industry as a whole, as the possibility of increased income incentivizes contributors to perform better.

These profound market changes are only made possible by using blockchain technology, Smart Contracts, machine learning and Photochain’s own user community. Most of the processes become automated and decentralized, significantly reducing costs of platform governance. It’s unavoidable that more and more stock photography contributors and customers will prefer to use Photochain.

The development of the Photochain platform is an ambitious and organically growing process. Our main aims for the project come under three significant prongs:

P2P Marketplace
It’s very important to us that only the artists themselves can determine the value of their work and they’re given the opportunity to offer their work to many potential buyers.

Crypto Economy
Photochain appeals to a broad audience of people that aren’t yet adopters of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The relatable use case of "Photochain" will appeal to this audience. The easy-to-use GUI and the trading process facilitates the onboarding process and supports the Crypto Economy in becoming mainstream.

Photochain Digital Copyright Chain: DCC
Over the course of the project, more and more artists will be able to strengthen their copyright using the Photochain platform, since their works will be linked to their name. This link is manifested as a transaction in the Ethereum blockchain and is therefore visible to all users at all times. This means that the artist’s ownership of the image can be accounted for. The database with all manifested links has been constructed in a decentralised way, (for further details, see chapter 2 ). We call this database a DCC.

 Platform Photochain

With all existing stock photography platforms, the only way to ensure transactional security is to use the Control Center. In comparison, we have created a platform that is independent, safe and efficient to operate based on existing rules.

We are developing DApp Photochain in the block chain Ethereum. Photochain also uses computer vision (computer learning) to meet specific stock technology requirements.

Photochain DApp is a platform where artists can sell their work to customers at various price points, and the seller can also be responsible for the work they sell. The Photochain team is not responsible for any illegal behavior of the seller. This means that the artist is responsible for the legality of the work he or she is selling and is entirely responsible for the illegal activity. However, Photochain protects your copyright by preventing unauthorized photo sales.

Excellence in this platform:

Security  - Block safe and verifiable transactions for buyers and sellers. You can trust your safe work.

Decentralization  - Digital assets are encrypted and stored in a distributed database. No businesses uploaded.

Content  - DApp is only used for photo deals. Use bots to show only allowed content.

Copyright  - Your task is related to your identity throughout the block chain. Thanks to this machine learning and active community, you can be protected from fraud.

Photochain’s Ecosystem

The Photochain DApp is a platform specialized in the trade of stock photography, in which processes are reduced to a necessary minimum in order to guarantee simplicity and transparency.

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Photochain Token ( Photon)

PHOTON token is the means of rewarding used across the Photochain Ecosystem. Any type of transaction on the platform will require the use of PHOTON Tokens.
The PHT token is based on the following core properties:
• Name: PHOTON Token (PHT)
• Standard: Ethereum ERC20
• Hard Cap: 230,000,000 PHT token to be issued
• Release date: Our Token Generation Event will take place right after the end of the Main Sale Event. It may take up to 60 days to distribute the PHOTON tokens to contributors.
• Represented value: tokenization of photography services.

Token Allocation
79% Crowdsale
11% Team & Management
7% Bounties and Partners
3% Legal & Advisory
Use of Proceeds
30% Marketing
30% IT Development
8% Infrastructure
10% Infrastructure
5% R&D and Platform Evolution
4% Legal, Accounting and Audit
4% Cooperations with Photo Agencies
4% Allocation to contributors
3% Business Development
2% Business Development


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For more information: 

By : rita purba
